ikanuba@mindspring.com Re: Samhuinn Searles O'Dubhainn searles@summerlands.com Thu Oct 28 08:28:16 1999 Ikanuba,*p*Three books that have examples of Celtic celebrations of ritual within them are _The Keltria Book of Ritual_ (from the Henge of Keltria), _The Apple Branch_ by Alexei Kondratiev, and _The Sacred Cauldron_ by Tadhg MacCrossan. You might also go to Conrad's Bladey's site where he gives details of the Irish (Celtic) customs surrounding the seasons: http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~bj333/HomePage.season.html#samhain. Just click on the link following the message below.*p*Searles*p*Ikanuba wrote,*br*: Searles*br*: I have a very important request. I am looking for some *br*: information on how to celebrate Samhuinn. I would like some *br*: of the ritual that go along with the festival. I have no *br*: reserves about going out and purchasing a book that talks *br*: about this. I have several books written by Ross Nichols and *br*: others, but have yet to really find any info on how the *br*: proper observance of this festival is to be done. Any info *br*: would be greatly appreciated.*br*:*br*: Thank You*br*: Ikan*br* Samhuinn Ikanuba 448 Thu Oct 28 01:05:45 1999 http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~bj333/HomePage.season.html#samhain Samhain Customs