ikanuba@mindspring.com Re: Samhuinn Branfionn branfionn@summerlands.com Thu Oct 28 22:21:03 1999 *br*Dear Ikabanu,*p*In what I was taught, Samhain is the Celtic New Year. It is the time of beginnings and of initiations. It is also the time of the remembrance of the Ancestors, of - as I call them - the Beloved Dead. I always do a ritual of keening (caoining - gaelic) (crying) out the names of the dead. I have found this to be profoundly healing of the loss of these much-loved people. Everyone expresses grief and loss in a different way and all are quite beautiful...*p*I also find this a good time to do divination - however you may choose to do it (and truly, it matters not the technique - so long as it works for you...) Some use tarot, some astrology, some runes, some ogham, some fire-gazing or scrying - looking in a dark mirror or a dark bowl of water, some look at animal behavior or the movement and direction of the winds...whatever lets you vision freely is the main thing...*p*And on a mundane level - I love the US tradition of children and adults dressing up as their visions or what they enjoy - and the US tradition of children coming over to "Trick or Treat" = you are meant to give them chocolate but if you do not, it is a custome to play some trick (to the un-generous...soap on windown or a blazing paper bad of doghie poo are some examples...) For generosity and hospitality are essential Celtic customs. Now and all year - but especially now.*p*I hope that this helps you!*p*Nine Blessings! (all you need...)*p*Branfionn*br*(Ravenwhite)*p*p.s. I will try to find a ritual I did publicly as "high priestess" here in Cleveland nearly 8 years ago....it was a wonderful rite....and if I don't find it this weekend - I will, eventually and add it to the Summerlands library eventually. This is a wonderful, wonderful place. Please invite your friends.*p*And have a Blessed Samhain ( Sow-when )*p**p*Ikanuba wrote,*br*: Searles*br*: I have a very important request. I am looking for some *br*: information on how to celebrate Samhuinn. I would like some *br*: of the ritual that go along with the festival. I have no *br*: reserves about going out and purchasing a book that talks *br*: about this. I have several books written by Ross Nichols and *br*: others, but have yet to really find any info on how the *br*: proper observance of this festival is to be done. Any info *br*: would be greatly appreciated.*br*:*br*: Thank You*br*: Ikan*br* Samhuinn Ikanuba 448 Thu Oct 28 01:05:45 1999