nvmoonwitch@yahoo.com More Info Wendi nvmoonwitch@yahoo.com Sun Oct 31 01:16:53 1999 This is great..I just wanted to let you know that you are so correct about it is time for us to wake up and realize what the "government" has and is taking from us, the organizations you listed are great, but they are not the only ones trying to educate and inform the people. My organization has and is taking great strides to "WAKE UP THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD". QUIT GIVING UP YOUR FREEDOMS QUIT ALLOWING THEM TO STRIP YOU OF YOUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!! *br*Together WE will make a difference!!*p*"YOUR GOALS MINUS YOUR DOUBTS EQUALS YOUR REALITY"*br*PLEASE PEOPLE REALIZE WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO US AND WAKE UP!!!!*p*If you are interested in joining us please visit us at *br*http://www.successlinks.com/desertmoon*br*http://www.taxstatement.com/desertmoon*br*http://www.16thamendment.com http://www.successlinks.com/desertmoon http://www.successlinks.com/desertmoon