Ivor@edwards997.freeserve.co.uk Re: Moot Pat Wed Nov 3 03:06:10 1999 Dear Emily,*p*Do you mean England (as in next to Scotland) and not New England in the States ? If so I can share my meager knowledge: the English pagan scene tends to refer to the local pagan federation (or even independent pagan) meetings as "moots". This is just an Anglo-Saxon word which seems popular and is used for all meetings - whatever tradition may be being discussed.*p*The bulk of people I have seen (on my occasional trips in London) don't dress in up ritual or re-enactment style dress but you'd get away with it if you did. Arthur Pendragon turned up once while I was at Talking Stick and he's a distinctive fellow.*p*Hope it's a good meeting for you. Moot Emily 452 Sun Oct 31 03:41:48 1999