Oppose the Religious Freedom Amendment Deborah searles@summerlands.com Thu Jun 4 01:17:34 1998 OK Gang,*p*We're down to the wire here. I just went over to the ACLU's weblink (link is on the previous post)and sent a message to the Representative from my district. It's fast and easy. There is a form letter with a section in the middle where you can type in what you want to say to them personally. Fill out your personal information, say what you want to say and it will automatically send it to the right representative based on your zip code <G>.*p*Below is a copy of the letter I sent in. The part in the middle (set of by *****) is the personal part. The rest is the form. *p*Don't mess around and not get this done. It's important. And the deadline is NOW! They vote on this thing Thursday, June 4th.*p*Deb*br*_________________________________________*p*Oppose the Religious Freedom Amendment *p*As your constituent, I am writing to urge you to oppose HJ Res 78, the*br*so-called "Religious Freedom Amendment" sponsored by Representative Istook. This amendment would undermine more than 200 years of protection for religious freedom guaranteed under our Constitution.*p*A constitutional amendment is unnecessary. Contrary to claims by supporters of the amendment, public schools are not hostile to students religious expression. As an example, student religious clubs operate smoothly in a majority of the nations 15,000 school districts. Likewise, the government cannot deny groups access to government facilities and parks just because their plans are religious in nature. Many of the examples of suppression of religious speech that this bill points to are already illegal, and can be addressed under current law. *p**br*I believe that the real effects of this amendment go far beyond what its supporters claim. The amendment would allow government officials to make decisions in their jobs that favor one particular faith. It would allow students to impose their religious beliefs on fellow classmates in our public schools by holding prayers at mandatory school events. *p***************************p*There is a very vocal minority in this country with an agenda in direct opposition to the national best interest and in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States. They are the Religious Right and the Christian Coalition (or as we know them ... the Religious 'Reich' and the Christian 'Coericion').*p*As a member of a minority faith, I strongly oppose this bill, which would further these enemies of true religious freedom's political agenda.*p*America is a Democracy NOT a Theocracy. The founding fathers were well aware of what they were doing when they provided for an absolute separation of church and state. Please do not let a group of right-wing religious zealots who are using strong arm tactics and political propaganda campaigns cause you to vote for such an atrocity of a bill. We've seen what extreme religious fundamentalism can do. If you doubt where it could go, take a look at some of the Islamic nations.*p*This is bad legislation at it's worst and is in the interest of no one but a bunch of political wolves hiding in sheeps' clothing.*p****************************p*A broad cross-section of organizations oppose this bill. They include religious groups such as the National Council of Churches, the American Jewish Congress, and the Baptist Joint Conference. They recognize that the amendment would inevitably pit one religious group against another by unleashing an wholesale scramble for public dollars.*p*I believe that Congress must not tamper with the Constitution to address a threat that doesn't exist. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this legislation.*p*Mrs. Deborah DeVane *br*4750 Bryant Irvin Road #808-191*br*Fort Worth TX 76132*br*searles@summerlands.com That Damned Ishtook Bill in House! Deborah 50 Fri May 29 13:06:04 1998