Re: wiccan research- help needed ! Searles Sun Mar 26 11:11:33 2000 Laura,*p*The link you provided does not appear to be valid. I tried several variations on it and got the UK InterNic site instead.*p*I do not see an uplifting of women as a threat to men, but I do see an exclusive focus or emphasis on one over the other as being inherently imbalanced. I also understand that there is a need at times for separate groups to focus on the diverse needs of society in general (whether those groups are male-female centered or culturally focused, etc.).*p*As a male, I'd be interested in a discussion on how Wicca is balanced between male and female in practice, worship and deities.*p*Searles*p**br*laura wrote,*br*: MM*br*: i am researching into women in Wicca and have set up a *br*: website which has a questioannire for women to fill in.if *br*: you are interested please find the site at*br*:*br*:*br*: just a note- the research is not anti-male, when I used the *br*: word feminist I meant the strive for equality and balance *br*: between the sexes, not anti-male as some people thought!!*br*: please help as it makes the reasech more interesting,. *br*: Blessed Be xx*br* wiccan research- help needed ! laura 530 Wed Mar 22 15:56:17 2000