I'd appreciate your participation Lau Guerreiro Tue May 16 09:02:38 2000 Hi all,*p*I'm looking for people like yourself to participate by providing intelligent comment on matters of modern spirituality at my new website*p*What we're doing at is venturing into a new area of modern spirituality where ideas and spiritual material will be peer-reviewed and discussed in the same way that scientific ideas and papers are peer-reviewed in the scientific community. Without the peer-review process science would still be back in the dark ages. It provides a means whereby weaknesses in theories can be highlighted so that the theories can be improved. *p*The spiritual sciences are sadly lacking this concept and so I've set up 4DPortal as my contribution towards getting the ball rolling. *br*I was inspired to release the first issue of this e-magazine on 5th May to coincide with the alignment.*p*I've created a discussion board that's directly linked to each article so that its very easy to read an article and then post your comments.*p*All that's needed now is for knowledgeable people like yourself to jump in and contribute your ideas. *p*Welcome to the new frontier.*p*Peace & Love*br*Lau Guerreiro*br**p*PS "4D" stands for 4th Dimension