Re: Well don't I feel silly! Deborah Thu Jul 27 13:12:37 2000 You're not silly! <G>*p*I think we've all pretty much done that at one point or another. Just let me know what we can do to get you settled in and introduced around. Have you gotten set up for irc chatting yet? Figured out all the widgets and doodads on the navbar?*p*Have fun exploring and come talk to us over in the chat room as soon as you can. We're there most nights M-F 9-11ish PM eastern USA time.*p*That's a fine Italian name you got there me boyo <grin and wink>*p*Cead Mile Failte!*br*Deborah O'Dubhain*p**br*Jaime O'Leary wrote,*br*: Well I just saw the big word subscription above the message *br*: board!! Never mind about that question then!! <G>*br* Well don't I feel silly! Jaime O'Leary 609 Thu Jul 27 12:35:22 2000