From The Kitchen Witch Inn Deborah Thu Jul 27 13:14:23 2000 What's happening over at the KWI:*p*We're redecorating... should have all the walls painted and the furniture back in place in the next couple of days.*p*On the message board....*p*A call for cookbook additions. If you have a yummy recipe, come share it and we'll add it to the KWI/SL cookbook that we're putting together for a fundraiser.*p*Starting very shortly on the board are the following discussions: *br*Breadcraft... for prosperity, fertility and abundance.*br*Basic Kitchen Witching for your home. AKA Practical Home Magic 101. First thread is on cleansing and sealing.*p*Hope to see you over on the Kitchen Witch Inn board. We're going to be having a lot of fun and some very good discussions. Hope you join us for them.*p*Deborah *br*