Not only for old Hippies... ;-) Willows Thu Jul 27 14:30:31 2000 An information for you monoglot people out there [sorry, I know the term sounds like an insult or a disease - not *my* fault...] :-)*p*There's at least one page on Euro-Celts that doesn't require having mastered some strange foreign lingo: Calculate your Biorhythm!*p*Okay - it's a 60ies/70ies Fluff Gimmick and I don't even know where it came from or what exactly it is based on.*p*I only remember doing that by hand in school, coming up with sometimes surprising results, while my next class was 'informatics'; getting trained on one of the first WANG small computers which was able to add up three different numbers in the breathtaking time of 15 Minutes and looked like a snow cannon.*p*Do it the easy way! Have fun! Blessed be modern PCs!*p*Dan