Re: Expanding appreciation of Triadic structures. Herb O. Buckland Tue Aug 1 11:36:31 2000 Herb O. Buckland wrote,*br*: Beyond the conventional discussions of triadic formulas, is *br*: the understanding that there is an environmentally *br*: influenced genetic predisposition to conceptualize many of *br*: our ideas, perform many of our activities, and grow *br*: physiologically along a 1- 2 - 3 maturational development *br*: sequence. For example, the triad of the biosphere is RNA- *br*: DNA- Proteins. RNA is predominantly single stranded, DNA is *br*: predominantly double stranded, and Proteins may have a *br*: primary- secondary- tertiary structure, with the quaternary *br*: as a composite matrix. Additionally, we find this same *br*: triadic sequencing in the Germ layer development of from- *br*: simple- to- more complex organisms in that simple ones exhibit *br*: one layer (Ectoderm)-more complex organisms exhibit two Germ *br*: layers (Ectoderm- Endoderm)- and we complex-structured *br*: humans exhibit three Germ Layers (Ectoderm- Mesoderm- *br*: Endoderm). Furthermore, our brain follows a triadic *br*: development which is found throughout the vertebrates from *br*: fishes to mammals: Forebrain- Midbrain- Hindbrain, and that *br*: these three are followed by three successive divisions *br*: Hind/Midbrain- Limbic system- Cerebral cortex. And the *br*: brain as well as the spinal cord are surrounded by three *br*: membranes labeled Pia Mater- Dura- Mater- Arachnoid process. *br*: Hence, in short, using computer terminology, humans are a *br*: type of "file" system based upon a three-patterned *br*: program. Consciousness and cognition must follow similar *br*: routes, suggesting we are in the two- going -on -to -three *br*: developemental phase. No less, when looking at the three *br*: traditional race divisions, it is the third group *br*: (Indo-Europeans, the other two being African and Asian) that *br*: exhibit THE predominant usage of three-patterned categories. *br*: For example, we find the social movements of Indo-Europeans *br*: focused on a "three" designation and this same *br*: perspective is not a recurring focus of Africans nor Asians *br*: unless there has been a Indo-European influence. Three *br*: examples of these three-focused social movements are Hitler's *br*: Third Reich, the French Revolution's Third Estate, and the *br*: Italian (Musolini's) Third Way. The one thing we must *br*: understand is that we Indo-Europeans are increasing our *br*: usage of three-patterned ideas moreso than are Africans or *br*: Asians who are attempting to copy the cultural values of *br*: Indo-Europeans. *br*: *br* Expanding appreciation of Triadic structures. Herb O. Buckland 614 Tue Aug 1 11:21:16 2000