Re: Expanding appreciation of Triadic structures. Jenny Mon Aug 7 12:04:25 2000 Three races?*p*"Race" is a pretty loaded and inexact word. But in any case, I'd be hard-pressed to call the indigenous inhabitants of South America "Asians" or "Africans". Even the simplistic, old color-coordinated race divisions recognized more than three: white, black, red, yellow.*p*You can argue that the Native Americans originally came from Asia, hence are technically "Asian". But by that logic there's only one race: African. Our species appears to have originated in Africa, and dispersed out from there.*p*There are some fascinating trinities in Nature, I agree. But race isn't one of them. If it's "traditional" to divide the "races" into threes, that probably reflects the fact that the dividers are Indo-Europeans (who have a cultural pre-disposition for three-ness). It certainly says nothing about Nature.*p*Jenny*br* Expanding appreciation of Triadic structures. Herb O. Buckland 614 Tue Aug 1 11:21:16 2000