Re: Expanding appreciation of Triadic structures. Herb O. Buckland Fri Aug 11 20:00:16 2000 Hello Topaz Owl!*p*I appreciate your comments. Why doesn't culture say anything about nature? Isn't human culture a product of nature? How can anything with an underlying link to biological matter not be somehow linked to nature? Can't that which we construct from human interaction be representative of an underlying natural phenomena? In any respect, there is a developmental trend taking place with the human species. When we back track through time to attempt an identification of that which may have first influenced the beginnings of a l- 2- 3 maturational development sequence, we have to return to our pristine past in what has been referred to as the "primordial (or primeval) soup" some 3 and a half to four billion years ago.*p*During this time the Earth was spinning much faster than it is today. So fast in fact that the building blocks of life would have been subjected to an environment where there was a total irradiation from the Sun, except for perhaps parts of the polar regions. Whether by a consistant irradiation or temperature condition, this would have been a pattern-of-one. Please visualize yourself on a fast spinning Earth for hundreds of millions of years. Instead of our present 24-hour revolution, the length of a day may have been about an hour or so, depending on what math formula you use to determine such a rate. As the Earth continued to slow down, there appeared a two-patterned night/day sequence. The very sensitive and impressionable biological constituents would have experienced such an overlapping transistion day after day for incredibly long periods of time. Further slowing produced a triple stroboscopic irradiation effect with respect to the Sun's three moments dawn- noon- dusk. *p*Hence, we can find an environmental circumstance of a l- 2- 3 rhythm that the early building blocks of life were subjected to. However, what needs to be appreciated is that as the Earth continues to slow down and the Sun continues to enlarge as it decays, the three "moments" dawn- noon- dusk are 'fusing' together thereby creating a 3 to/into/from one condition. Not a four, but another instance where the "three" is prominant. We find this 3 to 1 ratio in such ideas as the Christian 3 persons in l God, the Physics 3 spatial dimensions to l space/time dimension, the cultural 3 wedding rings on 1 finger, etc,. We can also find it being displayed linguistically in what used to be called the four directions concept, north- south- east- west. It is frequently spoken as north, south, east, and west. The "and" is sort of a demarcation line between the first three and the additional l. Another example is to say 1st, 2nd, 3rd base. There is no fourth base. We use non-numerical references such as home base or home plate. Again, there is a demarcation between the first 3 and the additional 1. Another example is found on vending machines. We have three different coin combinations (nickles, dimes, quarters) with a (paper) dollar bill as the separated singular item.*p*If we are closely tied, biologically, to the events of the Sun such as is indicated in circadian rhythms, then an increased change in the "fusing" of the Sun's three 'moments' will necessarily become more expressed in a variety of human ways...not to mention biological ways.*p*Thanks again for your comments. Re: Expanding appreciation of Triadic structures. TopazOwl 622 Wed Aug 9 19:51:49 2000