Times of Change Searles O'Dubhain Mon Oct 23 10:14:16 2000 Times of Change*p*Samhain is an "in-between-time." It is when the ways between worlds opens. These ways include those of the Abyss where the Fomorii reside and Chaos is created. It has little to do with winter, other than being the end of summer and a looking ahead into the Darkness.*p*The two Celtic festivals of Bealtaine and Samhain and the customs surrounding them are two excellent examples of the idea that in-between-times are chaotic. The fact that most of the mythological battles between the gods and not-gods occur at this time also supports them as being times of disruption and turmoil (i.e. chaos). The changes and uncertainty that occur within mists, fogs, smoke, dawns and dusks are also examples of this Celtic uncertainty principle. "The Adventures of Nera" are an example of how danger, unpredictability and chaos can occur around Samhain.*p*In O'Dónaill's Irish Dictionary:*p*anord {.nm.} = chaos*p*ord\1/ {.nm.} = sledge-hammer| ord lúdraí, tilt-hammer*br*ord\2/ {.nm.} = order| <4> sequence| arrangement|*br*<5.a> ordered manner| rule| <5.b> function|*br*<5.c> prescribed form of service*p*In other words, chaos is the opposite of order. It is not-order. All things seem to be a mixture of these within ordinary reality but when we approach Celtic non-ordinary reality, we see chaos or order as perfected, hence the gods and the not-gods.*p*A thunderstorm can be considered chaotic or ordered depending on the perspective and understanding of the observer. Taken to the extreme, there can be no examples of chaos, since having an example means that something has been quantified and chaos at the extremes has no order at all. What I usually describe as being chaotic is the tendency toward disorder or a*br*change in the order of things that has not been predicated by experience or its model.*p*When things are unsettled due to being generally in nowhere'sville while all hell is breaking loose, that is called chaos. Moving toward order from that is one reason why the three days of Samhain are celebrated: to reestablish the order through sacrifice after experiencing the havoc of the "in-between-time."*p*When you are over the pit of the depths and in that heartbeat between one secure position and another, anything can happen and *that* is another definition of chaos. The moments between the two stable states are undefined and subject to the forces of chaos.*p*What can we do to preserve order and to promote positive changes at this time of year?*p*Searles *br*Ikanuba wrote,*br*: Hello*br*: I have been learning the teachings of Druidry for about a *br*: year now, and have yet to find some clear information on *br*: celebrating the 8 Sabbats in the year. Can anyone give me *br*: some good links or info. on where I might find some good *br*: information. I would really enjoy celebrating Samhuinn in *br*: the authentic Druid fashion this year. I appreciate any help *br*: you may give me.*br*:*br*: *br*: Thank You*br*: Ikan*br* Celebrating Samhuinn Ikanuba 658 Sat Oct 21 02:06:30 2000