herbobuckland@hotmail.com List of Triads Herb O. Buckland herbobuckland@hotmail.com Sun Nov 19 09:24:15 2000 I love the library of Triadic representations being offered for those with a serious (or simply curious) interest in the broad usage of such a formulaic expression. *p*I also want to invite those who are interested in triads, triune structures, patterns-of-three, etc., to visit the following site:*p*http://www.geneticengineering.org/ideas/buckland.html*p*It is a representation of information that I had had printed on a double-sided poster several years ago. While the illustrations are arranged slightly differently than what actually occurs on the poster, the information is essentially the same. *p*Please understand that this is a work in progress to the extent that what is presently being shown are only two of eight columns that will eventually added. We will get the remainder of the information on the website as soon as we can. Though to some it may appear a little premature to let others know of the information because all of it is not yet included, I have received several E-mail requests urging me to let others know of such. And when the cat's out of the bag, one might as well let it run free into the wind...come what may.*p*Each of us knows that Revolutions begin with innocent philosophies. *p*Sincerely,*p*Herb*p* http://www.geneticengineering.org/ideas/buckland.html http://www.geneticengineering.org/ideas/buckland.html