Re: American Celts? Searles O'Dubhain Sun Nov 26 00:32:03 2000 There were three dialects of Gaelic spoken in the Americas: Nova Scotian, Bostonian and North Carolinian. There are more Irish descended people in the United States than there are in Ireland. I think that I see a trend here. Then there's the sons and daughters of the slate miners that live in Cardiff, Pennsylvania who speak Welsh. Heck, there's even my own great grandmother. You might want to consider the facts before forming an opinion. It would keep your credibility higher.*p*Searles*p*Rhys Llyr ap Dyfrig wrote,*br*: Sorry, but we just don't buy that. Better an American pagan *br*: that an American Christian, but you people need to get your *br*: own religions.*br* American Celts? Rhys Llyr ap Dyfrig 677 Sat Nov 25 20:24:06 2000