Re: SummerSun: Samhain-Winter Solstice Issue Available Stacey Wed Dec 20 17:46:34 2000 Perhaps I am getting sensitive in my old age, but with the exception of the first runner up for hypocritical pagan leaders, the other ones seemed to be personal attacks on people. I'm not quite sure who you are all talking about as I am relatively new at exploring the Summerlands' benefits (though I've been a member for a year now) and just kind of lurk on the newsgroups, but I would have thought the awards to have been more general. They seem to be kind of like watching a private party on TV or an in joke in a theatrical production that the audience doesn't get.*p*I'm trying to stay on the high road and should probably just keep my mouth shut and stay a quietly bumbling Druid.*p*Please don't attack me!*p*Stacey *p*Deborah wrote,*br*: I'll second that!!!*br*:*br*: The Samhain Summer Sun edition was perfect and the Scoaties *br*: had me rolling. *br*:*br*: Thanks for being such a Beirdd <G>*br*:*br*: Love you,*br*: Deborah*br*:*br*: *br*: TopazOwl wrote,*br*: : Beirdd wrote,*br*: : : The SummerSun: Samhain-Winter Solstice 2000 Issue is, at *br*: : : last, available for perusal. Just click on the *br*: : : "NEWS" link at lower right of your screen.*br*: :*br*: : LOVED the Scoaties!*br*: :*br*: : Owl*br* Re: SummerSun: Samhain-Winter Solstice Issue Available Deborah 696 Mon Dec 18 15:50:45 2000