Re: SummerSun: Samhain-Winter Solstice Issue Available Gilbert Rhys Sat Dec 23 11:31:49 2000 Stacey wrote,*br*: Perhaps I am getting sensitive in my old age, but with the *br*: exception of the first runner up for hypocritical pagan *br*: leaders, the other ones seemed to be personal attacks on *br*: people. I'm not quite sure who you are all talking about as *br*: I am relatively new at exploring the Summerlands' benefits *br*: (though I've been a member for a year now) and just kind of *br*: lurk on the newsgroups, but I would have thought the awards *br*: to have been more general. They seem to be kind of like *br*: watching a private party on TV or an in joke in a theatrical *br*: production that the audience doesn't get.*br*:*br*: I'm trying to stay on the high road and should probably just *br*: keep my mouth shut and stay a quietly bumbling Druid.*br*:*br*: Please don't attack me!*br*:*br*: Stacey *br*:*p*Stacey, I'm coming out of lurk mode to say I agree with you.*p*Thanks for speaking up.*p*Ian Re: SummerSun: Samhain-Winter Solstice Issue Available Stacey 698 Wed Dec 20 17:46:34 2000