Re: SummerSun: Samhain-Winter Solstice Issue Available Searles Sat Dec 23 12:31:17 2000 I believe that you are wrong about how Poets used satire against those who deserved it. Maybe you were thinking about fasting against a person of higher class or power instead? In that case, the fasting was a last resort that could be used by anyone to determine truth and to receive justice. Actually satire was used by the Irish Filidh when no other method would adequately work against those who were inhospitable, intolerant or arrogant. Please recall the case of Bres who would not provide hospitality (though he had the wealth and means so to do). I think that satire has been used perfectly in the latest issue of the Summer Sun. If people see themselves or those they know in the Scoatie awards or examples, maybe they'll have a chance to mend their ways before death's doorway brings them to the middle of life?*p*I will offer up a prayer to the gods of my people that we will all grow in wisdom in the coming years and that each of us will also succeed in the ability to determine when satire is or is not appropriate. At Bealtaine we will be awarding "Bells" to the types of individuals who have made the most positive contributions to Celtic culture and society in the opinion of our members. The purpose of both sets of awards is to allow people to better themselves and to recognize in other the traits that are beneficial to their communities. Sometimes this knowledge is a set of things to avoid like geasa were considered to be by our Celtic ancestors. At other times they are buada and clessa which are excellences and obligations that every good person should embrace.*p*In any event, The Summerlands is itself a community wherein criticism is offered in the spirit of friendship rather than rancor. A friend should always speak truth in as gentle a way as is possible. In the case of some, individuals, the Scoaties are the kindest way to alert them to their liabilities and limitations, while the Bells will be an excellent opportunity for each of us to identify what we consider to be best in all of us.*p*Searles*p*Gilbert Rhys wrote,*br*: Satire was never a license to indulge in put-down humor of *br*: someone you don't happen to like, but was a powerful tool of *br*: last resort that required having truth at its base to be *br*: effective.*br*:*br*: Seems like you need to do some research.*br*:*br*: Ian*br* Re: SummerSun: Samhain-Winter Solstice Issue Available Gilbert Rhys 702 Sat Dec 23 11:33:37 2000