Re: I WANT TO WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY! Searles Sat Mar 17 15:20:20 2001 Happy Dagda Day (as some friends will call it)! I took half of your advice but I fear that I've already gone and ignored the other half.:-)*p*Searles*p*Elfmagic wrote,*br*: 3/17/2001*br*:*br*: I want to wish each and everyone of you a grand St. *br*: Patrick's Day! Don't you forget to be wearing your green on *br*: this St. Patrick's Day!*br*: Take care and please do not imbibe too much! Enjoy!*br*: Elfmagic*br* I WANT TO WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY! Elfmagic 730 Sat Mar 17 12:57:53 2001