I cannot get into the Summerlands site Elfmagic ChrisIozia@aol.com Sat Mar 17 15:37:24 2001 3/17/2001*p*Dear Searles and Deb:*p*I paid for my class this morning by credit card. Now I cannot access*br*the Summerland site. My user names does not show up nor does my password. I don't know what happened. I do know one thing, I put another e-mail address on the application. The new one is snowcardinal@hotmail.com. The one that I originally registered with is ChrisIozia@aol.com. My user name is Elfmagic, you have my password.*br*Please help me with this! To me if feels that I am cut off from the world. Can you help me with this?*p*Sincerely,*p*Chris Iozia*br*ChrisIozia@aol.com