I know where I went wrong! Elfmagic ChrisIozia@aol.com Sun Mar 18 07:31:05 2001 3/18/2001*p*Dear Searles and Deb:*p*I really goofed yesterday. When I registered for the Celtic Traditions 101 class, I put in the the e-mail snowcardinal@hotmail.com*br*. That e-mail has my maiden name on it. So when you changed the e-mails for me they did not correspond. Can you please put in the e-mail*br*that I registed under; which is ChrisIozia@aol.com back into the systme? I know that I have caused you alot of trouble, but I am sorry for all the trouble that I have caused. Please, if you can, change my e-mail back to ChrisIozia@aol.com. My user name is Elfmagic.*p*Thank you in advance for all the time and incovenience I have caused you.*p*Sincerely,*p*ChrisIozia (Elfmagic)*br*ChrisIoziai@aol.com*br*