Celtic Traditions in Northern Spain Gnaeus Salix Astur Thu Apr 12 19:38:30 2001 Salvete, celtici.*p*As you might have discovered, I am not a Celt. I am a Roman; a citizen of Nova Roma, which is a virtual community dedicated to Roman recreationism and Roman Religion.*p*I have come to this crossroad looking for my own heritage, though. My ancestors came from Northwestern Spain (Asturias, hence my cognomen "Astur"), and I would like to know more about their religion.*p*Would you please tell me of any links to Northern Spain Celtic Religion sites? Whatever piece of information you could give me would be highly estimated, for I am trying to recreate the Religion of my ancestors, and I lack proper information (both historical and modern, though modern is a higher priority.*p*Thank you all in advance. May Tharan (Taranis), Belen (Belenos, Bel) and Lug (Lugos, Lugh) bless your tribes.*p*Gnaeus Salix Astur.*br*Protocivis romanus.