herbobuckland@hotmail.com Re: Druidic Triads as metaphors fdsghfdgh Sat Jul 20 02:22:15 2002 Herb O. Buckland wrote,*br*: Hello!*br*:*br*: As someone who is interested in the Triads *br*: phenomena though I most often refer to such as a *br*: "Threes" phenomena, it is necessary to *br*: consider the possibility that triadic structures *br*: in Druidic interests are symbolic expressions of *br*: an underlying three-patterned cognitive structure *br*: that crops up in a variety of ways in a variety of *br*: topics. Many of these are not directly linked *br*: with druidic studies and those often cited as *br*: being druidic in origin should be considered as *br*: possible extentions of other-than-celtic in intial *br*: creation. For those interested in a much broader *br*: appreciation of the "Triad Phenomena" in *br*: both a strict and metaphorical sense, take a look *br*: at the following site: *br*: http://cenocracy.topcities.com/cro24.html*br*:*br*: Herb*br* Druidic Triads as metaphors Herb O. Buckland 833 Tue - Jul 16 - 5:25pm