abfabdarling72@yahoo.com Re: Keep up the good work Searles Sat Sep 4 10:36:18 2004 Many thanks for the kind words Jodi. The Summerlands has been going through a metamorphosis in the past year as the nature of the internet has changed. We're all hoping that change is good. :-)*p*In the Summerlands, there are currently 1198 members. Like other communities the majority of these people are lurkers. However, they are also like family for us in that one does not have to speak up to ne acknowledge or to share in spirit.*p*We do appreciate those who share their thoughts and cares. Many of our members have done just that. In the Summerlands that open for those who've used our free membership, there are thousands of messages and articles by some of the most knowledgeable earth and people friendly persons/beings around.*p*Tá fáilte romhat,*p*Searles O'Dubhain Keep up the good work Jodi 881 Sat - Jul 17 - 5:08pm