Pagan Court Cases Jenny Thu Oct 22 13:00:33 1998 Hi again,*p*About five years ago, I did some extensive legal research on court cases involving Wicca, Asatru, and other Neo-Pagan religions. (I had access to free use of Westlaw and LEXIS, two legal data-bases that normally cost $200/hour to use!) I turned up about fifteen cases, most of them centered around whether or not these were "bona fide" religions.*p*As I was posting the piece on the Virginia controversy, it struck me that some folks might be interested in reading US vs Philips, the Federal court case that got obliquely mentioned (it's the Circuit Court decision that ruled Wicca was a real religion).*p*So what do y'all think? Are these cases something you'd like to read, or something I should get on-line (like in the Modern Persecutions section?).*p*Jenny