Re: More on that Fish! Infiniti Thu Oct 22 18:27:48 1998 : All things being equal, it's obvious there's no breath *br*: shortage in the Summerlands.*p*You know, I think I'll take offence to that. I haven't had a good arguement in days, and civil debates are starting to thin out with agreements. <G>*p*I type long posts, Searels and Jenny type long post, some type short posts, and and some don't type posts. We balance well, I guess. At least I'm mostly on two boards right now, it could be worse, I could hit all the boards I'm subed to with long posts. <WEMG>*p*That doesn't sound like a bad idea...*p*Michael Re: More on that Fish! Beirdd 122 Thu Oct 22 18:03:50 1998