Re: Witch Stands up for Her Rights Searles Fri Oct 23 16:20:03 1998 Treva,*p*I suppose that having one of the longest surviving systems of law in Europe (the Brehon Laws), sustaining the knowledge base of Europe during the Dark Ages (Celtic monks), and having one of the oldest established body of lore and tradition in Europe, makes a people uncivilized? I am not mentioning the fact that Celtic society was extremely structured (with levels and color-coding in dress, no less), nor am I mentioning their distinct art forms or their skill in poetry and music.*p*I hope to one day discover that the rest of the world has actually become as civilized.*p*Searles*br* *br*Treva wrote,*br*: Treva wrote,*br*: : The celtic people were uncivilized due to lack of written *br*: : language and social structure.*br*: : True or false. Why? Well she got why, and how. :-D*br*: : Treva*br*: Should have read she got not true why and how.*br* Re: Witch Stands up for Her Rights Treva 132 Fri Oct 23 16:07:31 1998