Re: The Witch in History (the rest of it) Searles Wed Apr 14 10:13:37 1999 Hi Jenny,*p*I've restored the link to the book reviews, though I'm going to have to edit the links from each review back to the library (since the change). Folks can get there and back using the "TO" link on the Library page and can return using the "back arrow" on their browsers (for right now).*p*If you find any broken links or password challenges on any of the Remembrance page, please let me know, as these could have been opverlooked in the move from the Members' Section.*p*I'll also be updating and adding items to the Book Reviews and other sections as they scroll from the borads here or as I receive new additions from you.*p*Nine blessings on your work and nine times nine on yourself,*p*Searles*p*Jenny wrote,*br*<snip>*br*:*br*: Part I looks at modern image-makers: feminists, Neo-Pagans, *br*: and historians. A long time ago I did full-length reviews *br*: on the feminist and Neo-Pagan chapters. (The book reviews *br*: section of the library got cut loose when we changed to this *br*: new software -- Deb and OD are looking for it, so it should *br*: be available again in the near future.)*br*:*br*<snip> The Witch in History (the rest of it) Jenny 170 Tue Apr 13 13:42:20 1999 Book Reviews in the Hall of Remembrance