Doreen Valiente Dies Jenny Thu Sep 2 00:52:48 1999 Doreen Valiente, the Mother of Wicca, died today. The link below connects to her obituary, written by Janet and Stewart Farrar, and Gavin Bone.*p*Doreen was a gentle wit and the brilliant, poetic writer who wrote the Charge of the Goddess.*p*Rather than sending flowers, Doreen requested that people make a donation to the Center for Pagan Studies, a group she supported. The Farrar/Frost page has contact information if anyone wishes to make a gift in her honor.*p*I never had the honor of meeting her, but in my heart I treasure the gifts she gave this world. Especially those Words with which she gave voice to the Goddess Herself.*p*May her journey to the Summerlands be without travail, and may she find there her heart's content.*p*Jenny*br*