Why the Silence Jenny jennyg@compuserve.com Mon Apr 10 14:14:04 2000 Hi everyone,*p*Well, life DIDN'T get quieter. *p*Two weeks after Myana's tests came back clean, the vet found a polyp in her mouth. More tests... it turned out to be cancerous as well, though not related to the first tumor. We had that one removed, things were fine... Then one of her inner eyelids wouldn't retract. Dr. Labovitch did an MRI on her and discovered that there was a third tumor, inside her skull and under her eye. It's inoperable.*p*He said that radiation therapy might extend her life to six months, but it was also likely to kill her. So instead, we've chosen to spoil her rotten and let her live out her last couple of months peacefully. I think this is the right choice, but I've found I have no energy to do anything. Don't think I've accomplished one solitary thing in the last six months, since she was first diagnosed.*p*I'll try to get some posts done, but I'm definitely going to be erratic for some time to come...*p*Jenny*br*