Traditional Witchcraft Today Jenny Wed Jul 26 15:14:14 2000 There aren't a lot of scholarly books available on traditional witchcraft (meaning the practices and beliefs of wise women, cunning men, and folk healers). Most historians focus on the witchcraft trials. These trials tell us little about traditional witchcraft; most of the "witches" involved in them were simply people accused of being Satanists. Historians label non-satanic witchcraft as "simple sorcery", and largely ignore it.*p*However there have been some good scholarly studies of traditional witchcraft, from the Burning Times till today. And while most traditional witchcraft is oral lore, there are even some books written by 19th century witches.*p*Over the next few days, I'll point out some of these books, and describe how the witchcraft they reveal is similar to, and different from, modern Pagan Witchcraft.*p*As always, please feel free to jump in with comments and questions!*p*Jenny*br*