Re: amulets Jenny Tue Sep 5 14:51:39 2000 Hi George,*p*The simplest way of blessing an amulet is to "empower" it. You first cleanse the amulet of any contrary or negative energy -- by, say, sprinkling it with blessed water, censing it with a purifying incense, etc. Then you charge it with your own positive energy, dedicated to the task that you want to accomplish. The charging ritual can be simple (holding the amulet in your hand and visulalizing the result you want). For a more complex ritual, you can weave in "correspondences" -- times and materials which are favorable to your goal. This adds the correspondence's energy to your own.*p*Most books on Witchcraft have information on charging objects. For instance, Silver Ravenwolf's _To Ride a Silver Broomstick_ has a chapter on cleansing, charging, and consecrating; it's a good overview of empowering. It also contains a ritual for creating the blessed water you need to cleanse your amulet.*p*Ceremonial magicians tend to use far more elaborate consecration rituals. For instance most of the Greater Key of Solomon (availabe from Samuel Weiser Press, translated by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers) is devoted to convoluted rituals for creating talismans and protective amulets. But I wouldn't recommend trying anything that complex to start with. I've used simpler blessings, like Ravenwolf's, and always had good results. Correspondences are a nice assist -- but it's your need, your energy, and your prayers that do the majority of the work.*p*There are a number of excellent scholarly books on ancient amulets. I can list them, if you (or anyone else) are interested. But they're not good guides on how to use or empower amulets. If you're looking for practical information, they probably won't be a big help.*p*The Eye of Horus (or Ra) was one of the most common Egyptian amulets (second only to scarab beetles). It represented the protective power of the midsummer sun. Frederick Elworthy's _The Evil Eye_ has a picture of one (pg. 126). These stylized eyes were protected people from a variety of ills. Living people wore them as amulets, and they were also placed in the wrappings of mummies to protect the soul as well. Wallis Budge's _Egyptian Magic_ (pp. 55-58) has more information on these eyes (and a dozen or so other Egyptian amulets).*p*Jenny*br* amulets george mckey 263 Thu Aug 31 03:41:38 2000