Re: Please Searles Mon Jun 4 22:48:06 2001 Dear Daibh,*p*You're always in our prayers here. I hope that you'll follow your heart and spirit and avoid doing anything that could cause harm. Let's talk about whatever this is by phone or email.*p*Your concerned friend,*p*Searles*p*Daibh n Lynne wrote,*br*: I'm writing to ask my friends here to remember us *br*: in your prayers, rituals, et al. for the moment. *br*: Please...anything to keep me from doing what this *br*: bottle is begging me to do.*br*: It's not a long story basic one of making a few *br*: mistakes that are coming back to haunt. Now faced *br*: with the answer from the parties involved it's *br*: well a difficult time for us. *br*:*br*: Thanks.*br*: daibh*br* Please Daibh n Lynne 283 Mon - Jun 4 - 3:54pm