Morgan Daibh n Lynne Mon Jul 30 15:40:52 2001 Sorry to bug you folks again...but she has had to make another vet trip. Not as serious this time we hope. A urinary tract infection to start and the signs of the onset of arthritis. (Well hell she's 14, in cat years about 70 for thee and me.) Suffice it to say, we are proud to have been part of her life each day for these 14 years. But I also am not kidding myself. If she were a kit of around a year or two her immune system could whack the crap out of an infection, now......we hope the antibiotics help. Plus she had some blood drawn for blood work. She's looking pretty good, so I'm not too worried, just worried enough. :^) She's part of us, part of our family as such, every moment with her is precious to us. I'm lighting candles this evening to her health. Any who can recommend a god/dess who is pet would be appreciated. I was thinking Airmid...?*p*Daibhi