In Loving Memory Daibhaid & Lynne O'Broder Mon Aug 6 14:30:09 2001 It's good that I can type, as I sure as hell won't be worth much on a phone right now. *p*(Ahem)*p*It was at 1:00 eastern standard time today, that a light went out in our lives. Morgan Le Gray O'Broder, our faithful companion of these 14 years, slipped peacefully away from us into the arms of Bridgit.*p*I'll say more when I can think clearly enough to write more, for now, please join me in a prayer of thanks to the gods for all people who rescue animals to take them in to share their life. *p*With Love,*p*Daibhaid n Lynne*br*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*br*Daibh n Lynne wrote,*br*: Sorry to bug you folks again...but she has had to *br*: make another vet trip. Not as serious this time we *br*: hope. A urinary tract infection to start and the *br*: signs of the onset of arthritis. (Well hell she's *br*: 14, in cat years about 70 for thee and me.) *br*: Suffice it to say, we are proud to have been part *br*: of her life each day for these 14 years. But I *br*: also am not kidding myself. If she were a kit of *br*: around a year or two her immune system could whack *br*: the crap out of an infection, now......we hope the *br*: antibiotics help. Plus she had some blood drawn *br*: for blood work. She's looking pretty good, so I'm *br*: not too worried, just worried enough. :^) She's *br*: part of us, part of our family as such, every *br*: moment with her is precious to us. I'm lighting *br*: candles this evening to her health. Any who can *br*: recommend a god/dess who is pet *br*: would be appreciated. I was thinking Airmid...?*br*:*br*: Daibhi*br* Morgan Daibh n Lynne 285 Mon - Jul 30 - 3:40pm