Re: The Quiet of Many Posts Deborah Sun Oct 11 15:40:39 1998 You and I seem to have the opposite problems.... I keep getting double posts from many of the boards and have to go unsub and then see if it took both or just one of me off. <G>ahhh... the joys of technology.*p*Jenny usually has a pretty active board, but has been our resident box lady for about 4 months now and had to take a sabbatical while she moved... and moved... and moved..... and..... well, you get the idea.*p*Check out the other areas of this section (it's one of the more developed) and I think you'll find a lot of information on what you were talking about with mostly Christians getting killed by the inquisition. Also, debunkers about it being the male medical establishment and several other theories. It's a fascinating site and one that we are very proud to have in the Summerlands because we feel it helps to offset all those erroneous, puffed up numbers and claims that are found in other sites and sources.. and also it not some rabid foaming at the mouth fundie (pagan or christian)rant and rave HQ. It's very well researched and documented and then presented in a very calm, cool manner.*p*I'm just glad to see Jenny moved and back to writing posts. I've missed all the great information.*br* The Quiet of Many Posts Infiniti 48 Sun Oct 11 03:17:28 1998