Re: W,L,D&D (review) Deborah Sun Oct 11 15:46:24 1998 Michael, check out the rest of this section. I think you'll find lots of corroboration about it being mostly Christians who were killed. Also, lots of background and information on what was going on in all the countries during those times and discussion of the different reasons for the Burning Times. What was really scary was the comparisons in modern times to patterns that we see back then.*p*Sorry you ran into that guy who called you a nazi plant. Hey... there are idiots and assholes in every religion... paganism is no different (unfortunately). I had the reverse of your experience happen to me over on Compuserve long time ago. They guy actually said that we were all going to start executing Christians and he wasnt going to let me cut off his head (quote there... no exaggeration).*p*Anyway... check out the site. I think you'll be pleasantly suprized (but be warned some of it is pretty graphic).*p*Deborah*br* Re: Witchcraft, Lycanthropy, Drugs & Disease (Review) Infiniti 51 Sun Oct 11 15:11:40 1998