Re: W,L,D&D (review) Infiniti Sun Oct 11 17:38:37 1998 Deborah wrote,*br*: Michael, check out the rest of this section. I think *br*: you'll find lots of corroboration about it being mostly *br*: Christians who were killed. Also, lots of background and *br*: information on what was going on in all the countries during *br*: those times and discussion of the different reasons for the *br*: Burning Times. What was really scary was the comparisons in *br*: modern times to patterns that we see back then.*p*I've been through here once or twice, I know it's done well. I like the colors and the graphics, too. <G>*p*: Sorry you ran into that guy who called you a nazi plant. *br*: Hey... there are idiots and assholes in every religion... *p*I didn't mind him too much, I was in a really antaganistic mood and my response to his reply email wasn't nice, either. I haven't heard from him since, though there are days that I wish I did. <WG>*p*: Anyway... check out the site. I think you'll be pleasantly *br*: suprized (but be warned some of it is pretty graphic).*p*I don't mind graphic. Even graphic praohics are fine. After picking babies up off the asphault after car-wrecks, reading about a bit of witch burning isn't disturbing. <sigh> Maybe I am learning apathy afterall...*p*Michael Re: W,L,D&D (review) Deborah 53 Sun Oct 11 15:46:24 1998