Re: Witch Stands up for Her Rights Infiniti Wed Oct 21 13:03:07 1998 This would never happen to me for a few reasons.*p*1) I don't go picking useless fights and then complain about it to the press when I am being pommoled.*br*2) I don't have a driving need to make everyone acnowldge who and what I am.*br*3) I am not going to be prejudice and tell 6,000 Christians they can't display their icons.*br*4) I'm not dumb enough to LET this happen to me.*p*I'm smart enough to know which fightes to fight, and which fights need to be picked. I am far more concerned that a group af pagans are trying to get public displays of Christmas banned by the Supreme Court than I am that one lady can't follow directions from her boss, published an article she was not supposed to and got fired for it, then decided to jump on the ACLU bandwagon.*p*I personally think the woman needs to be smacked upside the head.*p*Michael*br*Just one small town pagan's opinion. Witch Stands up for Her Rights Searles 82 Mon Oct 19 16:06:40 1998