Re: Witch Stands up for Her Rights Searles Wed Oct 21 15:05:58 1998 I've read all of your posts and what Isee is that you are saying we live in a Christian society and thus should notprotest when things are run the Christian way to the exclusion and detriment of other ways, even our own. If this were a Christian country, your arguments might have some validity, but the facts are that this is a country where the original rules (as given in the Constitution and modified bythe Bill of Rights) are set up to insure that no one group can force their religious views upon another. This is as true for passively or actively supporting such support and is especially pertinent to all areas of the government which are supposed to be for the benefit of *ALL*.*p*When the government of any public group (town, county, state, country) violates the separation of church and state rules that are inherently our own to choose for ourselves, it is the duty of the governed to support thatreligious freedom, not to limit it. If even one person is discriminated against then all persons have the *POSSIBILITY* of being discriminated against in their inherent rights as a human being. Going with the flow is not an act that protects one's rights. Protecting one's rights is called standing upto 6000 people who are running over your own rights with a steamroller because they don't perceive that you have a right. If we were to go with the flow, then we'd still be British subjects.*p*No one here advocates keeping people from expressing their religious views so long as this expression is not done at the expense and violation of the rights of others. When the government supports one religion to the exclusion of others, that is *EXACTLY* whatis being done. The government is basically taking away the right of a person to have a separate religion by supporting any religion, because the government draws from the power of *ALL* of its people. That is why the government is expressly forbidden to be involved in religion by our constitution.*p*Searles Re: Witch Stands up for Her Rights Infiniti 87 Wed Oct 21 12:54:38 1998