Foclóir Draíochta - Dictionary of Druidism

2nd Edition
le Seán ó Tuathail
copyright 1993 John Kellnhauser / Cainteanna na Luise
Plurals follow nouns in ()s
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D ( day ) ............................................ v dair

dáimh - kindered affection, affinity

dair - "robur"-Oak (only), fiodh for the letter D, associated with, among other things, hospitality, inheritance, habitation, fertility

dalta (-í) - 1) foster-child; 2) student; 3) ex-student; 4) pet

dámh - retinue (esp. of poets, druids, brehons, )

damh - stag (the modern word also means "ox")

damhna - 1) substance, material; 2) cause of; 3) promising novice

dán - poetry, gift-talent-vocation, fate-destiny ("a man can't drown whose dán's to be hanged", ) as a unitary concept

dásacht - 1) fit of raging madness; 2) possession by spirit; 3) sudden panic

dáthabha - monkshood, wolfbane

dealg - 1) thorn; 2) brooch

dearg - red, associated with warriors and kingship

deas - southward, right (hand), near-by

deasghnáth (-a) - lit. "right-hand custom", ritual

deilín - sing-song chant

deiseal - clockwise, to open, harvest, welcome, release, spread, invoke outward (cf tuathal)

déithe - "gods" (actually a superior elder race, which while far more wise and powerful than mortals are likewise bound by the basic laws of the universe; it is never used in the singular for an individual)

déithe is dual dom, na - the gods who are rightfully mine (v dual)

deoch dearmaid - drink of forgetfulness

deochnair[eacht - divination by dregs or swirling patterns in liquids

diach - unpleasant aspect of dán, "punishment" for violating geis

diamhair - thing or place (not person) with magical qualities, esp. difficult to grasp, hidden, potentially threatening,

Diarmaid mac Cearbhaill - 6th century king who attempted to re-introduce druidism to Teamhair, which resulted the great curse of desolation upon the site (Pádraig curse on only the "druidry" of Teamhair was apparently over-thrown by Diarmaid's druids, but the great curse was upon the site itself, bound by Ruadán leading a christian-hermetic conclave of 13 saints (not mere priests)

díbearg - 1) outlawry, state of renouncing dominant society's values, used loosely for roving bands of reveallers; 2) slang: (irresponsible) sexual promiscuity

díbirt - excorism

díchaell - best endeavour, one's utmost best, neglect (ironic)

dícheadal - incantation

dícheadal di cheannaibh - mantra-like incantation using munda-like repeditive motion, which is unusual in allowably containing rudach)

díchealtair - magical disquise, esp. concealnent

díleas (dílis) - special personal attributes (of person, fiodh, .)

dílmain drong - lit. "restraint of crowds"; conformity to common social mind-set

dinnsheanchas (-ais) - seanchas of place

díonghabháil - "thatch-yoke", tag at end of bríocht asking it please the gods

díth - 1) loss, destrcution, derivation, lack, requirement; 2) missing element of bríocht

díthreabh - wilderness, hermitage, isolated place of safety away from other humans

díthreabhach - hermit who lives, or wanders in, wilderness; cf aonarán

dlaoi fulla - lit. "whisp of delusion", originally a twisted whisp of grass or twig magically enpowered and thrown at a person to induce madness, but generally any "bad luck" charm targetted at a specific individual which must be in their possession to work

dleacht - legal due, lawful right, duty (cf dyalgas)

dlí (-the) - binding principle, (cosmic) law

dlínse - jurisdiction

dluma dirche - nuclei of darkness

dlús - 1) compactness; 2) fullness, abundance

dlúth - 1) warp; 2) nearness; 3) intensity; 4) inner essential

Do cheann im chrios - "Your head in my belt", fach

doilbh - v dolb

doiléire - indistinct image, obscure affair, imprecise fomhothuú, etc

doilfeacht - stage "magic", slight-of-hand

doineann - wild cold weather

doire - (esp. oak but also other type of) grove

dolb - bit of (usually, not always, transforming) magic, often but not always mealladh (may be actual shape-shift)

Domhan-so, an - 1) the mundane common world; 2) the daily born-to world (as opposed to an Saol Eile and Tír na Marbh)

dord - 1) hum, buzz, murmur; 2) (esp. deep bass) chant

dos - 3rd (from bottom up) rank poet

draighean - common name of áirne

draíocht - druidism (modern word used loosely for magic)

draíodóir - fake druid

draoi (draoithe) - druid

draoi (draoithe) allta - "wild" druid, fíordhraoi" (true-druid), druid not assocaited with court (the adjective refers to wilderness and not "crazy, violent" and connotates amazement)

draoi (draoithe) ríogaí - court druids, toadies, (pun on "royalist" and "most spasmodic")

dréacht (-aí) - 1) portion, part; 2) draft composition; 3) verse to entertain or at social functions (i.e. not filíocht as bríocht), or a scéal that is not a seanchas

dreanaireacht - divination by the flight of birds

dreoilín - wren

drinnrosc - 1) a request, boon (not neccessarily by a poet/druid, cf áilgeis); 2) an incitement to quarrel

druí - older spelling of, but prunounced identitically to draoi

drúide - baffoonery (v drúth)

druídheacht - v draíocht

drúth - jester, baffoon

duais - 1) gift, bounty, reward; 2) gloom, distress, sorrow

dual - 1) spiral, wisp, lock (of hair, ), twist, interlace; 2) native, natural, proper

dualaíocht - knotwork (in art, )

dualgas - inherent rights, duty, obligation, reward as a single idea (cf dleacht)

duan - song, poem

Duan Amhairghine - Amhairghin's (qv) challenge to the Tuatha Dé Danann by proclamation of superior poet-hood, the first mortal poem actually on the soil of Ireland (i.e. Amhairghin's Summoning of Ireland from beyond the magic mists was proclaimed from his ship)

dúchas - hereditary claim, ancestorial estate

dúil - desire, will, expectation (cf aigne )

duille - leaf, foliage, eye-lid, glory, wealth (v duilleog, duilliúr)

duilleog - leaf

duilliúr - foliage

dúlra - nature (the elements, )

dumha - (esp. samll burial) mound

dún - fort, esp. of stone

Dún Aillinne - capital of pagan Leinster in s.e. Co. Kildare (cf Almu); note: not the "Hill of Allen" in english; an alternative site is Dinn Ríg in Co.Carlow

dúnchur (-a) - a closing of the entrance to a power site

dúshlán - challenge