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**Herbal Books Page**
Uses, Identification and Cultivation

This section of the Summerlands bookstore deals with Herbs in all their attributes.  We have attempted to provide you with some recommended Herbal books and have additionally supplied a few comments on some of the books.  We hope you find something of interest in this section of the bookstore.


Armitage, Allan
1989 Herbaceous Perennial Plants, Treatise on Identificiation, Culture & Garden Attributes; Varsity Press 646 pp.  This book provides a comprehesive listing of herbaceous perennials with information on their characters and cultivars.

Beyerl, Paul
1984. The Master Book of Herbalism; Phoenix Pub. Co., Custer, WA 415 pp.  This book is an herbal, mostly consisting of folklore and herbal correspondences, but it may be useful as an adjunct to more rigorous books.

Bown, Deni
1995  Encyclopedia of Herbs & Their Uses; Dorling Kindersley, 424 pp This is a large format book with color photos of over 1000 herbs.  It provides info on herb garden layout, using herbs, & wild herbs.   The catalog section contains the photos and botanical descriptions, while the dictionary section contains info on uses, growing and harvesting information.  This is an overview book but excellent due to the color photos.

Bremness, Lesley
1988 The Complete Book of Herbs, Dorling Kindersely, 288 pp  This book makes heavy use of color photos, and covers herb gardening and herb usage in decoration, the kitchen, household uses, personal care, essential oils, and health.  It covers somewhat over 100 common herbs and contains many recipes.  It also has sections on potpourri, herbal papers and herbal dyes.

Brill, Steve
1994 Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in Wild and not so Wild Places; Harvest Books 318 pp  This is a wild crafting and cultivation guide.  Chapters are broken down by the time of the year so you know what plants are available during each of the seasons.  Plants are further divided by location, ie field, meadow, wetlands ect. The book also contains many quite a number of good recipes.

Cass, Hyla
1998. St. John's Wort: Nature's Blues Buster. Avery Publishing Group, Garden City Park, New York. 192 pp.  Written by an MD interested in herbal treatments, this book discusses what St. John's wort can and cannot accomplish states of in treating depression.  There are also sections discussing other uses for this herb, as well as other treatments for depression.

Culpeper, Nicholas with modern commentary by David Potterton.
1983. Culpeper's Color Herbal. Sterling Publishing Co, New York. Culpeper, writing in the early 17th century, was one of the original comprehensive herbalists. He relied on folklore, as well as astrology, in deciding on the properties of the herbs in his herbal. In using astrology, he made use of the law of opposites (if something had a property antithetical to the disease or syndrome at hand) and the law of sympathy (if there was a similarity between the herb's ruling planet and the symptom in question). The color sketches of the plants are very attractive as well as reasonably useful.  Potterton's addendums to each herb are welcome, if sketchy.  Readable and worthwhile, considering the classic status of this book.  One is advised to take Culpeper as a period piece, rather than as serious medical advise, however.

Damrosch, Barbara
1988. The Garden Primer. Workman Publishing, New York. 673 pp.  Only partially refers to herbs, this is an all-round good gardening manual.  Definitely recommended for the herbalist who wants to grow things at home.

Dwyer, James (ed)
1986  Magic & Medicine of Plants; Readers Digest 464 pp This is a mini directory of over 300 plants and covers the science, history, folklore and uses of medicinal plants.  The color photos and color drawings enhance this book.

Fischer-Rizzi, Susanne
1996 Medicine of the Earth, legends, recipes, remedies & cultivations of healing plants; Rudra Press 320 pp  This book covers 33 herbs, but covers each herb in detail.  The mythological and historical lore, along with descriptions, uses, recipes, collection, propagation and processing is coveredfor each plant.  Medical, Culinary and Cosmetic uses are also covered.  The plant histories are very interesting.

Forsell, Mary
1995 The Herbal Grove, a Celebration of the Bequty & Mystery of Trees; Villard  159 pp   The Herbal Grove discusses 43 herbal trees, their characters, history and uses and presents a number of very good recipes.

Griffin, Judy
1997 Mother Natures Herbal: Llewllyn 372 pp  This book covers a lot of ancient, medieval, oriental and western herbal lore.  It is full of good recipes and practical uses for herbs.

Heinerman, John
1995 Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs & Spices; Prentice Hall 496 pp  This book is entirely focused on the healing power of herbs and spices and is very readible.   It is organized alphabetically by herb nd spice name and contains a symptoms index which links directly to specific herbs and spices.

Hobbs, Christopher
1990: Echinacea: The Immune Herb; Botanica Press; Santa Cruz, CA 83 pp.    An overview of the medical uses of the various species of this herb.

Hoffmann, David
1991. The New Holistic Herbal; Element Books, Shaftesbury, Dorset. 284 pp.  A well-organized herbal with a useful section on the best times of year to gather them, as well as making tinctures, infusions, etc.  This book is best used in conjunction with a book focusing in on contraindications and cautions.

Hutchens, Alma R
1992: A Handbook of Native American Herbs: the pocket guide to 125 medicinal plants and their uses; Shambhala, Boston, MA 256 pp.

Marcin, Marietta M
1993: The Herbal Tea Garden: planning, planting, harvesting and brewing; Storey Communications, VT 224 pp.

Mowrey, David PhD
1986 The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine Keats Pub 316 pp  Despite the title this is a very readable book.  It is divided into chapters based upon areas of application such as high blood pressure, heart, pain relief, ect.  Each section discusses those herbs that are applicable and provides extensive references to the scientific literature to provide documentation to research.

Murphey, Edith van Allen
1990. Indian Uses of Native Plants; Meyerbooks, Glenwood, IL. 81 pp.  Mostly folklore, but from the Native perspective. Many plants not included in conventional herbals are listed here.

Ody, Penelope
1993. The Complete Medicinal Herbal. DK Publishing, London. 192 pp. No book is truly complete when it comes to herbals, but this book is well-organized, reasonably informative, and profusely photographed.

Schultes, Richard E. and von Reis, Siri
1995: Ethnobotany: evolution of a discipline; Dioscorides Press Portland, OR 414 pp.

Tobyn, Graeme
1997: Culpeper's Medicine: A Practice of Western Holistic Medicine.  Element Books, Rockport, MA. 278 pp.  Discusses the philosophies and beliefs behind Culpeper's approach to medicine, as a part of the time he lived.

Tyler, Varro E
1993: The Honest Herbal: a sensible guide to the use of herbs and related remedies, 3rd edition; Pharmaceutical Products Press, Binghamton, NY 375 pp.  This herbal discusses the properties of herbs, taking a look at the folkloric remedies, and mentioning whether scientific evidence has been obtained, or not. He is also very rigorous about discussing contraindications. Highly recommended. One aspect of herbalism that he does not discuss is that some herbs may well act via a synergistic combination and interplay of compounds within a given herb. Searching for *THE* active ingredient in an herbal preparation is well and good, but may not yield a complete picture.

Tyler, Varro E
1994: Herbs of Choice: the Therapeutic Use of Phyto-Medicinal; Pharmaceutical Products Press, Binghamton, NY 209 pp.  Readable by the layperson (in a way most of the other books listed in this category are not), this book deals with various medical ailments and symptoms, and discusses the use of herbs to treat them.  He is in tune with published medical research, and is forthright about contraindications and toxicity, and actual usefulness of the herb in question. Where insufficient work has been done to draw firm conclusions, he will state this as well.

Weed, Susun S
1992. Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman Way. Ash Tree Publishing, Woodstock, NY 199 pp.


Following are other, non-reviewed, Herbal books by some of the same authors from above.

Beyerl, Paul
Compendium of Herbal Magick    

Bown, Deni
Garden Herbs (Eyewitness Garden Handbooks)
Growing Herbs

Buhner, Stephen
Sacred Plant Medicine : Explorations in the Practice of Indigenous Herbalism

Cass, Hyla
Kava: Nature's Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia

Culpeper, Nicholas
Culpeper's Complete Herbal : Consisting of a Comprehensive Description of Nearly All Herbs
Culpeper's Herbal Remedies
Culpeper's Complete Herbal and English Physician

Damrosch, Barbara
Four-Season Harvest : How to Harvest Fresh Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long
Gardener's Latin : A Lexicon
Theme Gardens

Forsell, Mary
Heirloom Herbs; Using Old-Fashioned Herbs in Gardens, Recipes, and Decorations
Berries : Cultivation, Decoration, and Recipes

Hobbs, Christopher
American Herbal Products Association's Botanical Safety Handbook
Feverfew : Your Headache May Be over 
Handbook for Herbal Healing : A Concise Guide to Herbal Products       
Medicinal Mushrooms : An Exploration of Tradition, Healing & Culture

Hoffmann, David
The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal : A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies
An Elder's Herbal : Natural Techniques for Promoting Health &Vitality
The Herbal Handbook : A User's Guide to Medical Herbalism
The Information Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine
Your Herbal Home Medicine Chest (Self Care Health Library)
The Herb User's Guide : The Basic Skills of Medical Herbalism

Hutchens, Alma
Indian Herbalogy of North America

Marcin, Marietta M
The complete book of herbal teas

Ody, Penelope
Home Herbal
Pocket Medicinal Herbs
Herbs for First Aid (Keats Good Herb Guide Series)

Schultes, Richard E
Plants of the Gods : Their Sacred, Healing and Hallucinogenic Powers

Weed, Susun S
Healing Wise (Wise Woman Herbal Series)      

Weiss, Shandor
Growing & Using the Healing Herbs

Wood, Matthew
The Book of Herbal Wisdom : Using Plants As Medicine