![]() To: All From: Deborah Date: 14 May 1997 Time: 14:00:18 I was most impressed with the show Sabrina, The Teen Age Witch's handling of an episode involving Salem and the witch trials last Friday night. For those who did not see it, the class went on an overnight field trip to "Old Salem" where they were each given a card with either "witch" or "townsperson" written on it. They they got into costume, did the chores and "walked the walk" of the people living back in that time period. Nobody knew who had the "witch" card(s), so everybody was looking around to see who it might be. One girl was jealous because another girl got partnered up with a boy that the first girl wanted to be with, so she staged a fake "witch attack" by saying that "Goodie Jenny's" spirit had flown through the window, pulled and braided her hair and thrown her shoes out the window into the street. Her proof? Her hair was indeed braided and her shoes had indeed been thrown into the street. And two of her best friends backed her up by saying that they had seen it too. So needless to say, there was a trial. The three girls said that she was pinching them and pulling their hair as she walked in the room... and they started to act like they were cold and said she was making them cold and so on and so forth. Sabrina tried to stand up for her friend and was also branded a witch during the trial and had to stand trial at the same time. The subplot was that Sabrina didnt want to go to old Salem anyway and her witch aunts made her. She was scared of being discovered and didnt want to face it. Her aunts made her and wouldnt come pick her up when she was accused but told her to learn from the experience. The three in the witness box also started saying that Sabrina was doing things to them. Jenny maintained her innocence. Sabrina confessed to being a witch. Sabrina was told to sign a paper and go her merry way and Jenny was (I believe) sentenced to "time served"? The head accuser was outraged that they had gotten off so lightly and was forced into admitting that she had lied about the whole thing, at which time the court sentenced her to stand in the stocks until the schoolbus was ready to leave. At the end of the thing, the teacher who had started the whole exercise told the students that there were in fact NO witch cards, that everybody had gotten a "townsperson" card and that the whole thing had been a demonstration of "human nature" (at its worst). Not bad for a sitcom huh? <GGG> Who knows... maybe one day..... To: Deb To: Deb |