Welcome to Your New Home Chairde


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Now that you are a member of The Summerlands,  you'll need to know how to get around and some general information.   Some of this information is a repeat of what you read at the Information Button out on the Crossroads, some of it is new.  If you have any questions, or need help getting settled in, please email us and we'll help you any way that we can.
ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Staff Contacts ic32.gif (1152 bytes)The Calendar of Events
ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Hardware/Software ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Rules, Regs, and Responsibilities
ic32.gif (1152 bytes)The NavBar ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Monthly Membership
ic32.gif (1152 bytes)The Sites: A Brief Tour ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Membership Status & Voting Rights
ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Message Boards ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Classes
ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Libraries ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Newsletters and Email Updates
ic32.gif (1152 bytes)IRC chats ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Members' Directory
ic32.gif (1152 bytes)PAL ic32.gif (1152 bytes)Groups and Clubs